
#status.stub #type.note.example #priority.high


Examples are units of knowledge that illustrate an interesting fact or observation about an object of study.

  • Introduce the argument underlying the example
    • What relationships are addressed?
  • How does this example reflect the exhibition goals
  • What is the current state of thinking
  • How does a more-than-human framing challenge the status-quo
  • Include representative examples as images, diagrams, videos, quotes, etc.
  • How would this re-framing benefit life, scholarship, practice, etc.?
  • What exhibition components relate to this example?
    • Examples
    • Stories
    • Relationships


Multispecies Place

Place and Living Beings

Is it necessary for a living being to experience a place for it to be a place?

Even if it is necessary, there is a wide variety in which living beings can engage with places, where those places are, how long they persist, etc.

A whole planarian. The head is on the left, we can see the ocelli (eye spots) and auricles (triangular outgrowths from the head). Image by Marc Perkins.

For example, the phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) includes flatworms, the planarians, flukes and tapeworms. of these, planarians are free-living (non-parasitic) worms that live in saltwater habitats but can also occur in freshwater.

Living Beings Making Places

  • Whales creating whole ocean ecosystems through pumping watch and organic depositions.1
  • Bison acting on the scale of seasonal changes when they originate and maintain the 'green wave' or an endless spiring the same way other species ride it.2

  1. Multispecies Place


  1. Demuth, Bathsheba. Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait. New York: W.W. Norton, 2019.˄

  2. Geremia, Chris, Jerod A. Merkle, Daniel R. Eacker, Rick L. Wallen, P. J. White, Mark Hebblewhite, and Matthew J. Kauffman. “Migrating Bison Engineer the Green Wave.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 51 (2019): 25707–13.˄