- Place
- More-than-human place
- Multispecies place
- Subjectivities construct place
- Many factors contribute to place formation
- Human representations of place dominate
- Human methods (language, measurement, dwelling, construction) are limited
- Colour
- Senses, cognition, and culture construct place
- Colour is representative
- Easy to delineate in text
- Theorised as a construction of subjective interpretation of physical phenomena
- Body of interdisciplinary research and theory
- Significant perceptual differences between and within species
- Colour is relevant to design and place
- Design
- Informed decision-making
- Place-based knowledge
- Interdisciplinarity
- More-than-human inclusion and advocacy
- Requires measurement and knowledge
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Access to design tools relating knowledge strands
- Measurement
- Representing subjectivities
- Using narratives to represent places
- Nature and quality of place data