
This note describes intended and possible uses of this exhibition and its materials.

Teaching and Learning

  • This exhibition enables multiple ways to explore content about more-than-human subjectivities

  • Many species share the capacity to perceive colour, experience emotions, form place attachments, and communicate.

  • Authors use narratives to embody more-than-human perspectives, but this format does not facilitate "browsing" concepts linked semantically, e.g., how different species perceive "colour," or experience "love."

  • Use the principles to build exhibitions of creative work

  • Use examples as cases for reflection and analysis in teaching situations

    • Studio teaching
      • Design Futures, Interspecies Design Studio
    • History and theory or art, design, architecture



  • Conceptual understanding human and nonhuman subjectivities and their relationships can inform interspecies design methods.


  • Several navigation methods (e.g., Stories, Portraits, non-linear exploration, Questions) provide unplanned opportunities for non-directed learning
